Jylhä, T. & Junnila, S. (2012) Value Creation Models in Real Estate Business, Aalto Series - SCIENCE+TECHNOLOGY.

Schultz, A., Finch, E. & Koskela, L. (2012) Lean Facilities Management: The UK Perspective, Case Study Report by the University of Salford.

Finch, E. (2012) Lean Thinking in FM, available at i-FM.net


The list will be updated.

Jylhä, T. & Junnila, S. (2012) Learning from Lean Management – Going Beyond Input-Output Thinking, Facilities, accepted, unpublished.

Jylhä, T. & Junnila, S. (2012) Using the Kano Model to Identify Customer Value, in the 20th annual conference of International Group of Lean Construction, San Diego, 18-20.7.2012.

Jylhä, T. & Junnila, S. (2012) Partnership Practices and their Impact on value creation – Reflections from Lean Management, in the 19th Annual Conference of European Real Estate Society, Edinburgh, 13-16.6.2012.

Olin, J., Jylhä, T. & Junnila, S. (2012) Virtuality - What does it mean for FM?, Joint CIB W070, W092 & YG72 International Conference on Facilities Management, procurement Systems and Public Private Partnership, Cape Town, 23-25.1.2012

Luoma, T. & Junnila, S. (2011) The value flow of a workplace in construction process – a case study, in the 18th annual conference of the International Group of Lean Construction, Lima, Peru, 13.-15.7.2011.

Luoma, T., Junnila, S. & Forsman, L. (2011) Illustration of value creation in real estate business, in the 18th Annual Conference of European Real Estate Society, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 15-18 June 2011.

Kyrö, R., Luoma, T., Junnila, S. & Määttänen, E. (2011) Linking Lean to Green - Energy Efficiency as a Value Stream, in the European Facility Management Conference in Vienna, Austria, 23-25 April 2011.

Luoma, T., Niemi, J., Rothe, P. and Lindholm, A.-L. (2010) Office Occupiers’ Real Estate Attributes – Identifying Occupiers’ Preferences, in the XXIV FIG International Congress, Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010.


Luoma, T. (2010) Value Stream Management in Real Estate Business, in the 18th Annual Conference of European Real Estate Society, Milan, Italy, 23-26.6.2010, best poster award.

Luoma, T. & Junnila, S. (2011) Analyzing the Sustainability of Real Estate Business, in the 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, Berkeley, California, 7-10 June 2011.


Enomaa, E. (2012) Defining Customer Value in the Real Estate Business?

Olin, J. (2012) Improving Value Creation In Real Estate Business Through Virtuality

Forsman, L. (2010) Arvovirtojen johtaminen kiinteistöliiketoiminnassa


Jäppinen, E. (2010) Lean management - soveltaminen eri aloilla ja mahdollisuudet kiinteistöliiketoiminnassa, Bachelor's thesis, Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Surveying.

Korhonen, K. (2011) Etätyöt kolmansissa paikossa – hyödyt ja haitat työntekijän näkökulmasta, Bachelor's thesis, Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Surveying.

Korhonen, H. K. (2011) Pilkotut toimitusketjut rakennusteollisuudessa, Bachelor's thesis, Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Surveying.

Korhonen, L. (2011) Asiakasarvon käsittely kiinteistöliiketoiminnassa vuosina 2001-2010, Bachelor's thesis, Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Surveying.

Säynätkari, A. (2011) Lean-rakentamisen käyttöönotolla saavutettavat hyödyt rakentamisen toimialalla, Bachelor's thesis, Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Surveying.

Seppälä, M. (2010) Lean management kiinteistöliiketoiminnassa 2000-luvulla, Bachelor's thesis, Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Surveying.

Suominen, V. (2010) Virtuaalitilat ja niiden mahdollisuudet kiinteistöliiketoiminnassa, Bachelor's thesis, Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Surveying.

Marjanen,M. (2011) Kuinka nopeaa on nopea palvelu? seminar paper of Surveying.


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